Baal's Last Stand

Feb 11, 2023    Brother Derek Hallet, Brother Sal Pacheco,, Brother Erick Fernandez

Given the fact that we are observing an increase of satanic worship in our generation we as The Body of Christ have the authority to push back darkness at the gates. The gates represent an entry point in the spirit where the first point of contact or incursion by evil spirits takes place, whether in a person's life, in families, cities or nations the gates are usually breached & the chaotic results are seen in the natural world. As The church we also have a promise that The Lord Himself gave us, "The gates of hell will not prevail against us." That means we should be on the offensive in every way. Listen in to Brother Hallet, Brother Sal & myself as we discuss spiritual principles to apply as we fight the good fight of faith & push back against baal's last assault, his last stand, against humanity at the gates.