And the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in......
Luke 14:23
The Proclamation of the Gospel changes lives for all eternity but it also brings forth fruit in the lives of people now. That's why it's the most powerful message in the world, because God decided to insert Himself into his creation & become one of us, but yet didn't lose any of His divine attributes. His redemptive act of dying on a cross & resurrecting from the dead on the third day grants every human being access to eternal life. As we go into the marketplace, we proclaim boldy this grace that was given to every human being willing to receive it. Our team usually sets up a table with tracts, bibles, & other reading materials to give out for free to those walking by or those willing to have conversations with us. To join this team please fill out the section below.

Meeting people right where they're at
Open Air Preaching
From the inception of The church at Pentecost until now open air preaching was a staple & one of the main ways to share The Gospel in public. Just as the revivalist did in the 1700 & 1800's like John & Charles Wesley, George Whitfield, & Charles Spurgeon , we believe in this generation The Lord is calling a last days remnant outside into the marketplace. To proclaim this glorious Gospel
Raise your voice as a trumpet
Share The Faith
Is this your first time?
If this is your first time sharing The Gospel in this environment or in public, no problem. We have a team of those to support & stand with you as you share the power of God unto salvation.
The Simplicity
One thing about The Gospel is that a small child can understand it. Stick to who Jesus is & what He's done on the cross for all humanity. Also, when in doubt share your testimony, people from all walks of life need to hear about how Jesus still saves, & how he saved you.